[翻译] webos开发环境(翻译自http://developer.palm.com)

tonynju 2009-07-21
在Windows(32bits)上安装Palm® Mojo™ SDK

安装Mojo SDK主要包含三个方面:
    * Palm 模拟器
    * 命令行开发工具
    * Eclipse开发环境的插件

* 安装最新的java sdk
* 安装Safari 4: 在开发应用时会用到它的一些特性
* 安装VirtualBox: Palm模拟器运行在virtualbox中

安装Palm® Mojo™ SDK

   1. 下载 Windows版本的SDK.
   2. 安装Palm SDK之前,确保virtual不在运行
   3. 双及安装文件,按照提示安装
   4. 打开Palm模拟器,通过桌面图标或者“开始->所有程序->Palm >SDK > Palm Emulator"打开.第一次打开稍慢
   5. 遇到对话框点击OK
   6. 创建开发目录
   7. 在cmd命令行中输入”palm-generate“,检查命令行是否正确安装



Installing the Palm® Mojo™ SDK on Ubuntu 8.04

This page provides information about installing the Mojo SDK, which includes:

    * the Palm emulator
    * command-line development tools
    * optional plug-ins for the Eclipse development environment

Read about installing the Mojo SDK and running the Palm emulator, then go to the Hello, World page and try writing your first webOS™ application.

Note: If you are upgrading from Mojo SDK 0.3.1 or earlier, follow the instructions for "Uninstalling the Palm Emulator and Virtual Machine" on the Uninstalling the SDK page. If you are upgrading from Mojo SDK 0.3.2 or later, simply install the new version over the old.
Before You Install the Mojo SDK

Before installing the webOS™ SDK, perform the following steps:

    * Install VirtualBox
      The Palm Emulator is built on VirtualBox, virtual machine software that you can download free from Sun Microsystems. VirtualBox is required before installing the Mojo SDK.

Installing or Upgrading VirtualBox

   1. If you are upgrading from a previous version of VirtualBox, follow the instructions for "Uninstalling the Palm Emulator and Virtual Machine" on the Uninstalling the SDK page.
   2. Add the following line to /etc/apt/sources.list:

      deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian hardy non-free

   3. Download and register the Sun public key for apt-secure:

      wget -q http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/sun_vbox.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add -

   4. Refresh the package index files (so that apt-get will find the correct version of VirtualBox):

      sudo apt-get update

   5. Install the new version of VirtualBox:

      sudo apt-get install virtualbox-2.2

Note: If virtualbox-ose is installed (or suggested) instead of virtualbox-2.2, this is a sign that apt-get did not properly parse the packages from download.virtualbox.org and is instead trying to pull an old VirtualBox 1.5 binary from Ubuntu's own repositories. Make sure to register the repository key before doing the update.
Installing the Palm® Mojo™ SDK

Note: Do not install the SDK into the same directory as Palm Host.

   1. Download the Linux SDK.
   2. Double-click the downloaded file and install the package.
   3. Download Novacom.
   4. Double-click the downloaded file and install the package.
   5. Install the latest version of Java:
      sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre
   6. Create or choose a directory to use as your application development workspace.

The SDK includes sample code to help you understand how to write webOS applications. For more information, refer to the Samples page.
Running the Palm Emulator

To run the Palm emulator, type palm-emulator on the command line. VirtualBox starts up and creates the virtual machine that hosts the Palm webOS platform. The first time you run the emulator, VirtualBox presents several dialogs. You can safely dismiss each dialog by clicking OK.

For more information about the emulator, see the Emulator page.


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